Tuesday, January 8, 2013

So Fresh and So Green

Dear Readers,

We made a great green juice for breakfast this morning designed to boost your energy and cleanse the body.  Maybe you didn't over-do it during the holidays (who are we kidding? or most of 2012...) but we did.  After watching Hungry for Change we are super excited to face "out with the old, in with the new" a little greener and a little leaner.

HFC has a simple and healthy 3-Day Cleanse that includes this fab green juice to start your day.  Even better, if you don't have a juicer you can also do a super simple mix of water and spirulina and wheatgrass powder.  What could be easier?  Hooray for change!

Super Detox Green Juice
serves 1

Juice the following:
2-3 celery stalks
1 small cucumber
2 kale leaves
handfull of fresh parsley
1 small lemon or lime, peeled
1 pear or apple

Time-Saving Super Simple Green Drink
serves 1 (no need for a juicer!)

12-oz glass of water
1 tablespoon of barley grass or wheatgrass powder
1 teaspoon of spirulina powder

stir and serve
*Warning: this drink is INTENSE on its own.  Consider blending in some fruit: 1/2 banana, some OJ and a handful of blueberries should do the trick.

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