Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Run, Don't Walk

Dear Readers,

Muffin has the most adorable little round Muffin feet.  Even though he's stretched out a lot since his Michelin-Man zenith at around nine months, he's still got sweet, tiny, round feet.  Don't worry - the boy can walk just fine.  Make that run.  He clearly doesn't get this from me, but he loves nothing more than to run everywhere basically all day long.

So what shoes do you put on a very active toddler boy with perfectly spherical tootsies?  I bought pair after pair that had to be returned because I couldn't squish his little feet into most shoes, or they tripped him up.  Then Muffin spent the weekend with his grandparents and came back with a cute pair of sandals by See Kai Run.

Now, the grandparent-purchased sandals were close to $50, which seemed unnecessary I thought.  But they fit wonderfully, and I didn't pay for them, so whatever.  Five months later, I'm a convert.  These shoes are worth every penny.  They were purchased in May and I'm going to retire them after our trip to Kona next week simply due to the change in season.  After nearly 5 months of almost daily, rambunctious, sometimes very dirty wear they are pristine and by far the best shoes we've ever bought.

So I decided to buy Muffin a new, fall/winter-friendly pair in his new larger size figuring that at around $50 a pop that's $10 a month for shoes that fit like a glove, never fall off, never break and are pretty darn fashionable.  Even better, there is a huge sale right now on their website!

Run, don't walk, and buy your bambino some - you'll both love them.

 (Note: I know the shoes above are for girls, not boys; I just couldn't resist they were so cute!)

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