Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Get Some

Dear Readers,

Day 4 of the cleanse, after all that "quantum cleansing" I was seriously thinking that learning to meditate needed to move up my list of things to do, and quick!  But where to begin?  And how?  Being Type-A, I became instantly concerned about doing this properly.  Meditation seemed to require a lot of investigation, reading and research.  Man, I'd really need meditation once I actually figured it out.

Stress suddenly descended and then there it was: a post on one of my fav blogs, Whoorl about this very thing!  The universe truly does provide, doesn't it?  Thank you, Sarah James, for being the Type-A meditation guinea pig and finding, and test-driving, the fabulous meditation site designed for busy meditation novices.

Simple, easy, ten minutes a day, led by its very nice-looking, sexy-sounding British founder (and former Buddhist Monk) Andy Puddicombe...what more can I say?  Get on it and get some!  And definitely watch the pre-meditation videos on the GetSomeHeadspace website for inspiration on why you're doing this and what you're moving towards.

So how was it?  After my first ten minute session I felt like I'd just completed an hour and a half of yoga.  Calm, serene, refreshed...just lovely.  And not how I usually feel at 1pm I can tell you.  Obviously I'm still in the kiddie pool of meditation, but won't you join me?  The water's perfect.


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